Modern Web3 Mock


Looking to take your business to the next level? Our 1 on 1 interview service connects you with the top talent in your industry.

Get access to qualified candidates who have been community vetted

Take the guesswork out of hiring with access to a pool of qualified candidates who have been vetted by the community. Our vetting process is rigorous and thorough, ensuring that only the best and most qualified candidates make it through.

Our community of web3 experts provides valuable feedback on candidates, giving you a well-rounded view of their skills and potential.

save time and resources while still finding top talent for your organization

a more efficient and effective way to hire web3 candidates

find your next superstar hire!

View assessment scores to grasp a candidates capabilities on a high level

As a recruiter or hiring manager, you know that sourcing candidates is just the first step in the hiring process. But how can you quickly and accurately assess a candidate's capabilities before moving forward with interviews and evaluations? Our assessment service can help. With our comprehensive assessments, you can quickly get a high-level understanding of a candidate's basic capabilities, allowing you to make more informed decisions about who to move forward with.

Give your personally sourced candidates the opportunity to showcase their capabilities and make your hiring decisions with confidence.

Assessments are designed by senior web3 employees from top organizations, ensuring that they accurately reflect the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's web3 landscape.

assessments cover a wide range of topics, including development, design, and marketing

take the guesswork out of candidate evaluation and streamline your hiring process.

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